Name Sanjay Kumar
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Location Noida
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Owner, Yog guru

joined at 3 years ago

    Nearly zero calorie diet helps in weight loss

    In food calorie provide us lot energy and that is good for our health. If y...

    • yoghealthtips

    Benefits of keep yourself positive

    In everyone life both positive and negative time will come. Enjoying good...

    • yoghealthtips

    Benefits of amla for human body

    Amla is known as Indian Goose Berry. It has been one of the most popular su...

    • yoghealthtips

    Best diet for growth and prevention from hair loss

    Are you worried for hair loss. Hair plays a important role in looks of any...

    • yoghealthtips

    Problem and Solutions of malaria

    Malaria is a life threatening disease and cause of that disease is anophele...

    • yoghealthtips

    Control your high blood pressure

    If you suffering from high blood pressure and you are taking a high blood p...

    • yoghealthtips

    Exercise is good for mental health

    Studied says that two to five days daily forty five minutes exercise in a w...

    • yoghealthtips

    Methods of rapid mental development in children

    Child brain develops rapidly from birth to three year. Brain developments a...

    • yoghealthtips

    Problem and solutions of a Sore throat.

    Sore throat problem is related to our respiratory system. Throat pain is a...

    • yoghealthtips

    Amazing health benefits of eating makhana

    Makhana is type of dry fruits which is used in India as well as in whole wo...

    • yoghealthtips

    Relief from loneliness and moves towards happiness

    Have you ever felt all alone in the world? We all do sometimes and it isn't...

    • yoghealthtips

    If you get very angry try these remedy

    Everyone has experienced anger. It’s normal and healthy to feel angry from...

    • yoghealthtips

    How to control on fatigue with help of natural methods

    In our busy life with work relaxation of body is very important. If body w...

    • yoghealthtips

    Benefits of Papaya and lemon for our health.

    Fruit is a healthy addition to your diet but papaya and lemon are very usef...

    • yoghealthtips

    Problems and Solutions of Diabetes

    Diabetes is a serious disease that you cannot treat by your own. This is ca...

    • yoghealthtips