Pre shipment inspection Process and Quality control in China
When you order goods or materials from somewhere, you need to be sure whether those goods or materials fit the purpose just before the shipment to the desired destination. That’s where a pre-shipment inspection is required. Here, the quality inspection team visits the factory site and verify the quality of the products to be shipped. Pre-shipment inspection is part of supply chain management and is an important quality control method to ensure the quality of the goods our customers purchase from the suppliers. PSI helps ensure that production complies with applicable specifications, contracts, or purchase orders.
Pre shipment inspection in India
Pre shipment inspection in India is mandatory to ensure quality, safety, and security. It is a formal inspection that integrates measuring, estimating, and checking to measure the uniqueness and quality as per the prescribed criteria. It is also stated that inspections should be carried out at various stages of procurement before and after purchasing goods.
There are various types of inspection processes followed and Pre shipment inspection process is one of them that is vital. In this case, a designated quality inspection team visits the factory premises to check the nature of the finished product and its packaging. When it comes to pre-shipment inspection process in India, it is indispensable and remains crucial to businesses and manufacturers to confirm the quality of the items supplied after they’re packed. Under this process, there is a professional inspection team will check all details such as product characteristics, total quantity, packaging, etc. according to customer specifications.
Quality Control China
Quality control China refers to the proactive measures taken by Chinese importers and their control authorities to ensure product quality. China's quality control process is designed to work with the right suppliers to ensure you are importing quality products. There are 3 major Product Inspection processes-
During Production
Are you looking for a reliable and authentic company that can give you comprehensive PSI service in India? Then, you are at the right place to do the job. CHINA INSPECTION SERVICE is a professional Pre-shipment inspection service that has years of expertise in confirming the safety, quality, and integrity of the products consigned.
The quality inspectors are highly qualified professionals and are specifically trained to handle the pre-shipment process as well as inspect and evaluate different stages of the inspection. Moreover, you can check with the expert's anything you want to know before using its service in India. The organization provides a full inspection report within 12 hours after the inspection.
China Inspection Services Co., Ltd. (CIS) was established in Hong Kong with offices in Shenzhen and Guangdong providing China factory testing and product inspection services to importers around the world. With our in-depth knowledge of the Western market and quality requirements, it understands your needs for accuracy and quality. Its rigorous internal audit policy guarantees the accuracy and completeness of information directly to our clients. In addition to inspection and audit services, CIS also provides engineering services to importers.