Professional Turboprop Engine Rigging
Turboprop engine rigging takes time and requires a team of certified pros – Let JSA handle it

Superior turboprop engine rigging is fundamental to an aircraft’s performance.

Not only is it required for safety, but it also boosts aerodynamic output by increasing stability, fuel efficiency, component health, and optimizing virtually every factor involved with operational capacity.

Jetset Airmotive’s FAA-certified technicians have the type of experience that only comes with 4 decades in the field of flight technology, and one of the things we do best is rig turboprop engines.  


What is aircraft engine rigging and why does it matter?

Aside from needing a sign-off from a licensed A&P mechanic to ensure your craft is up to specifications, there are a few other reasons why you should let the pros take this one.  

PT6 rigging is quite basically the act of placing an aircraft’s engine/s on the rest of the machine, but that’s much easier said than done – and much easier done than done with precision.