Get the Best NaturallyMoisturising Dog Shampoo and Conditioner for Dry Skin
Do you own adog? We all understand the many and varied responsibilities surroundingbeing a dog owner. Ultimately, it’s important for the happiness of theentire family. If your dog has skin issues or a problem with dry, itchy skin you will definitely need a best moisturising dog shampoo for dry skin and conditionerfor dry skin.
However, consulting your Vet first to determine what might be causing your dog’s skin issues is always wise.Your Vet mayrunappropriate tests if allergies are presented but be reminded, these can be very expensive, and dependent on the outcome, medication will be offered i.e.medicated shampoos, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories or steroids.
Of course, you can have a say in your pet’s health before doing allergy testing, by taking some very simple steps.Begin by cutting out different food groups(or changing food sources) to see if your dog’s skin or itchy state changes. For example, some dogs are allergic to chicken and by removing this from their diet their skin might make some significant changes. This process does take time though and you will need to bepatient. While working through thefood elimination process don’t forget you can begin to feed their skin from the outside.
If your dog is itchy all the time and you can see visible patches of dry scaley skin, they could be dehydrated. Feeding the skin both internally as well as externally is a step that you can easily take. Firstly, ask yourself ‘What shampoo products am I using on my dog?’ A lot of customers will tell you they are using human shampoo, baby shampoo or cheap supermarket varieties of skincare products. We recommend using aprofessional, salon formulated,moisturising dog shampoo and conditioner made especiallyfor dry skin. Soap-free and pH balanced is also important, oneformulated todeliver hydration to both skin cells and hair cuticle.
Whether your dog has a food allergy or most commonly an environmental allergy like grasses, there are only advantages in using an effective moisturising dog shampoo and conditioner for dry skin. Cleansing first and then moisturising with a leave-in conditioner is the best approach.
You should know that not all shampoos are formulated to cleanse and moisturise. For instance, all medicated shampoos are formulated to kill bacteria (and they do this well),but while killing bacteria theyhelp dry the skinout. If you choose to use a medicated shampoo, we suggest you only do so while aiming to rid the skin of infection (this may only be for one or two washes).When the skin heals, a moisturising dog shampoo and conditioner for dry skin is the best option, replacing lost moisture and aiding in skin hydration and healing. Remember, not all shampoos are formulated to hydrate. Choose a naturally moisturising, professional formulation. One that you wouldn’t mind using on yourself.
Yes, dogs that suffer from dry and itchy skin are indeed a worry and a concern for all dog owners. Dry and itchy skin can make your dog very uncomfortableand also,keep everyone awake at night. There are several products available on the market but you need to choose the right one; it should be safe to use as well.
We recommend you use naturally formulated products like a professional grooming salon-quality haircarethat is soap & paraben-free, cruelty-free, pH balanced & naturally formulated.A moisturising dog shampoo and conditioner for dry skin, sensitive, itchy & allergy-prone canine skins. Ours is coconut-based, with formulas that will make your dog smell&feel like a tropical island dream.Shampoos are backed by the coveted UWDOGS 100% Money Back Guarantee; your itchy skin solution.
Looking for the best moisturising dog shampoo and conditioner for dry skin? You can visit