In today's lifestyle, we have to eat many things, whether they are beneficial for health or harmful. In such a situation, fasting once a week is a better way to detox yourself. According to a research, fasting for 24 hours reduces the risk of heart disease. As per these benefits fasting helps in develop a health. Along with this, fasting also helps in fighting against major diseases like cancer and also increases the memory power of the brain.
Fasting helps in develop a health
Intoday's lifestyle, we have to eat many things, whether they are beneficial forhealth or harmful. In such a situation, fasting once a week is a better way todetox yourself. According to a research, fasting for 24 hours reduces the riskof heart disease. As per these benefits fastinghelps in develop a health. Along with this, fasting also helps in fightingagainst major diseases like cancer and also increases the memory power of thebrain.