What to Pack For Your Trip to Colombia
Avoid going overboard for your trip to Colombia and know what to pack with just a carry-on bag!

Clothes. Underwear. Flats. Toothbrush. Ticket. Passport. Is there anything else that could be missing?

As there are a lot of different ways on how to prepare for a trip to Colombia, being a scout seems to sum up just about everything you need to know. Whether it may be a solo trip or a group tour, you still end up packing almost the same stuff.

If you have read a variety of travel blogs before booking a trip, you might be able to observe that one of the most common tips for traveling to Colombia is to equip yourself with some packing cubes. As good and effective as packing cubes have proven to be for various customers, what if you only get to bring one carry on bag with you? Read more...