The Method of Extracting CBD
You're not the only one who has questions about what CBD oil is and how it is made. In the past several years, searches for CBD have skyrocketed online.

The Method of Extracting CBD

You're not the only one who has questions about what CBD oil is and how it is made. In the past several years, searches for CBD have skyrocketed online. There is a tonne of information available online, some of which may be quite misleading or flat-out wrong. You have every right to know precisely what CBD oil is and what occurs throughout the CBD oil extraction process if you are concerned about what you ingest in your body.

Describe CBD Oil

In its most basic form, CBD oil is just oil that is predominantly produced from the cannabis plant known as hemp. Although it is linked to the marijuana plant, hemp differs from it in a number of significant ways. One of the more than 120 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, CBD oil is more precisely known as "cannabidiol."

THC, the main psychoactive component of marijuana, is little present in CBD oil. Due to the absence of THC, CBD oil is neither psychoactive or psychedelic. So, to address a frequently posed query: No, CBD won't give you a "high." Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids, amino acids, and terpenes that are present in the hemp plant may all be consumed by using CBD oil without having to worry about getting high.

What Is the Purpose of CBD Oil?

Cannabinoids, which are highly prevalent and exist naturally in the body, are abundant in CBD oil. Endocannabinoids are present in the body naturally, while phytocannabinoids are found in plants like hemp. The natural receptors in your body receive cannabinoids in the form of phytocannabinoids from CBD oil.

How is CBD extracted from marijuana?

It takes sophisticated methods to effectively extract CBD oil from hemp or cannabis without damaging the cannabinoids with heat or solvents. It's critical to have a solid understanding of the traditional methods for extracting CBD oil as well as almost every other kind of essential oil in order to fully comprehend the most recent methods of CBD extraction. When purchasing CBD oil, it's critical to understand the method used to extract the oil in order to guarantee the best possible quality.

How Does Steam Distillation Work?

Since ancient times, essential oils have been extracted from plant material using the steam distillation method. The idea is pretty straightforward: the essential oil is separated from the plant material using steam and heat. While modest distillation settings might resemble a set of basic science glassware, industrial steam distillation installations can be huge and highly mechanical.

In essence, a water container is placed on a stove. Its outflow will feed into a flask of plant material. There will be an input and an outlet on the plant material flask. Essential oil vapors are produced when steam rises from the container through the plant matter. These vapors of the essential oils are gathered in a condenser tube, where they are then condensed into a hydrosol. Water and essential oils are combined to create this hydrosol. The oil and hydrosol are separated by further processing.

The main benefit of steam distillation is how easy it is for almost anybody to do. All they need is a pair of basic chemical glasses. Anyone with access to enough plant material and a little experience may create their own 1000 mg CBD Oil thanks to the procedure' relative simplicity. Unfortunately, there are drawbacks, which may make it prohibitively expensive.

Using steam distillation has two significant drawbacks:

  • It is infamously ineffective. The extraction procedure results in the loss of significant oils. Only a percentage of the essential oils are obtained during steam distillation. This implies that a lot more plant material is required to produce the same quantity of oil.

  • Some essential oils are known to be destroyed or damaged by the steam heat. The cannabinoids' chemical and physical characteristics may be impacted by this.

Solvent Extraction: What Is It?

Steam distillation can't compare to solvent extraction for efficiency or intricacy. Solvents are employed in place of steam to extract the essential oils from the plant material. The essential oils are extracted from the plants as a result of the solvents' reaction with the plant matter.

Essential oils have historically been extracted from plant sources using alcohol. Vanilla extract is one example. Over the course of many months, vanilla beans are placed in an alcohol mixture and left to extract. In the end, you get vanilla extract that you can turn into vanilla oil by letting the alcohol evaporate.

Unfortunately, alcohol is a costly solvent, and alternative solvents that are either more affordable or more efficient in separating essential oils from plant material are often used. Consuming these solvents might be hazardous and they might not be safe for humans. Because of this, there are essential oils that are safe for consumption in food and others that are not.

It's crucial to be aware of the procedure followed when purchasing essential oils, particularly CBD oil. The quality of the plant material and the quality of the extraction procedure directly affect the quality of the finished product.

To extract many heat-sensitive oils, however, that would be harmed by the extreme heat of steam distillation, solvent extraction is a common technique. Higher grade essential oils and more effective plant material utilization may result from the employment of the proper combination of solvents and mechanical procedures.

CBD Extraction: What Is It?

The primary method for extracting essential oils is CBD Extraction, commonly referred to as supercritical fluid extraction. Lavender and other crops used for essential oil production have been widely studied in academic settings. Consider this your comprehensive guide to the CBD Extraction of CBD oil.

We all recognise the gas called CO2. Every Breath You Take, a 1983 song by The Police, comes to mind. Well, CO2 is there in each breath you exhale. That is carbon dioxide, which naturally results from the utilization of oxygen by you. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants turn CO2 into oxygen. It's as organic as you can get.

When used under high pressure with very little heat, CO2 has been demonstrated to be a highly efficient solvent for extracting essential oils from plant material. It functions similarly to the solvent process, but because it outperforms alcohol as a solvent, it is a far superior procedure.

Injecting pure carbon dioxide into a container containing plant material is the first step in the CBD Extraction procedure. The carbon dioxide transitions into a practically liquid phase as the pressure increases. The term for this is supercritical CO2.

At this stage, heat is introduced to aid in the release of the aromatics and essential oils from the plant material by the liquefied carbon dioxide. The aromatics and vapors are transported to a separator phase as it is removed. You guessed it—the separator separates the aromatics from the combination of carbon dioxide and solvent. This essential oil is of the highest caliber and purity.

The extraction of CO2 doesn't really have any disadvantages. Although it is a mechanical process and specific equipment is needed, the CO2 is harmless and the oil produced is of food-grade quality. There is far less waste since CO2 is so good at extracting aromatics and oils from plant material.

Oil extraction uses less energy, which helps keep costs down. All of this makes it quite evident that this method of extracting CBD oil is considerably more ecologically friendly. The CO2 extraction procedure is the only one you should be considering if you are concerned about the environment and what you put into your body.

We Use CO2 Because...

We are environmentally conscious. Your wellbeing is important to us. Making CBD oil of the best quality is important to us.

We hope you now have the knowledge necessary to make an educated purchase of CBD oil from a reputable producer utilizing an ethical and sustainable extraction technique after reading our guide on the CBD CO2 extraction process.