Anonymous Job Finder App
What is the cost of developing a job finder app? This blog will assist you to The cost of developing an anonymous job finder app. Check it out!





Anonymous job finder app. In today’s world, finding a job is easy but finding a dream job is really difficult. Many online job recruitment apps or websites are available but still, job finder finds difficulty for finding their dream job and after using many online job portals they didn’t find the expected job.

And the other problem is, some people want to find a job without disclosing their personal detail publically. But till now all the online job portals need personal information like name, phone number, email and many more details.

There is no platform for people, where they can find job anonymously. so if you are thinking of initiating an online platform then you can launch an anonymous job finder for the peoples who want to find the job anonymously by using online recruitment portal.

But what is your benefit of introducing an anonymous job finder portal?

Firstly you are providing something different to the user, definitely, there is a higher chance of this app becoming a successful app.


Secondly, you can earn money by introducing this kind of portals. How?

Here I am listing some points of making money from the online platform or through anonymous job finder portal:

  • Collaborating with many industries or companies.
  • Charging recruiters for accessing unlimited resume.
  • You can also allow other services to show their ads in your platform and take charge for each ad.
  • You can offer premium app service, where the user (job finder) can access all the advanced features and functionality.
  • You can also run the ads for training and colleges

After knowing the benefits of launching your own recruitment app or an online job portal. But you might be thinking.

How this anonymous Job finder app work?

1. Initially, user can log in and create their account but their details must be hidden as this is portal where user can find a job anonymously, details can’t be seen publicly.

2. User can add work experience, his/her skills and the user can give a little description of his/her future job or workplace expectation.

3. Company or industries recruiters can check the description, skills and experience of the job finder, if a recruiter wants to know more about the job finder, then they can directly connect with them through a chat module. Now they can chat easily, the user can share the personal details like CV or Resume and schedule the interview.

4. On the other hand, the user can also check the preferred job and connect with the specific recruitment staff of a specific industry or company.

What are the basic features you have to add in your Anonymous job finder apps?

For launching or introducing job recruitment or online job finder portal, initially, you want to know some basic or key features of online recruitment portal:


  • Sign in interface
  • Create an account
  • Categorize section of each job
  • Job search option by using sorting and filtering
  • Resume preparation
  • Job posting
  • Admin panel
  • Chat module
  • Push notification for new updates
  • Hiring
  • logout
  • Delete account

What is the cost of developing a job finder app?

The cost of developing an anonymous job finder app or online recruiter app highly depends on the features, design and the lookup of the app which you want to add in your app.

The approximate cost and timeline of developing an anonymous job finder app is:

Timeline & Costing:-

  • Frontend design and development:-100-200 Hours
  • Backend Design & Development:- 100-140 Hours
  • IOS App Development:-100-200 Hours
  • Android App Development:-100-200 Hours
  • APIs development and integration:-200-300 Hours
  • Testing, Bug fixing, Project Management & Deployment:- 30-50 Hours

Total Hours:- 250-450 Hours

Estimated cost: – 2500-4500 USD (If we count at the rate of 10 USD/hour only).