Rice is the most widely and commonly consume staple food across the world. Normally Its increase the fat of body. High in carbohydrates rice is considered as one of the worst food. But rice is really fattening. Now we will check. All whole grain contain Bran Germ, Endosperm. If you don’t want obesity but you like eating rice.
You don’t want obesity but you like eating rice
Rice is the most widely andcommonly consume staple food across the world. Normally Its increase the fat of body. High in carbohydrates rice isconsidered as one of the worst food. But rice is really fattening. Now we willcheck. All whole grain contain Bran Germ, Endosperm. If you don’t want obesity but you like eating rice. Some variety of rice are fatfree and also baked, steamed ,boiled rice , brown rice are good for health. Fried rice will avoid. These are some steps wit