COVID-19 The Game Of Immunity | Fortuneteller Oracle - Your Source for Social News Business and Networking
Coronaviruses are a wide spread species of viruses that cause ailments ranging from the common flu to more intractable diseases such as Middle East Re...

COVID-19 The Game Of Immunity | Fortuneteller Oracle - Your Source for Social News Business and Networking

As we all heard, only one thing can save you from COVID-19, and that is immunity and precautions.

So let's start it with COVID-19. 


Coronaviruses are a wide spread species of viruses that cause ailments ranging from the common flu to more intractable diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS-CoV). Most people tainted with the COVID-19 virus will fight mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without special treatment.

Covid-19 is known as zoonoses disease caused by germs that spread between animals and people.

Viruses steadily change through mutation, and new variants of viruses are assumed to occur. Sometimes new variants appear and disappear. Other times, new variants persist.


Most common symptoms:



Emergency Symptoms

Other symptoms




How Immunity system reacts to Coronavirus?


A cascade of viral particles invades the body through the nose, eyes, or mouth. Breathing conveys particles to the lower respiratory region. The coronavirus spikes proteins, acting as a key, secure into epithelial cells chatline the respiratory those in the air sores in the lungs. SARS-CoV-2 can stay undetected longer than many flu or viruses, and its spike proteins can earn entrance by unbarring the ACE2 protein on the lung cells. Once in, they capture the cell's machinery, replicate and increase and contaminate adjoining cells. Similar to defining ACE2 proteins on the epithelial cells, viruses too have atoll-tale mark on their surface called antigens, and spotting them hits the immune system into action by producing antibodies. The signs they create trigger another class of chemicals — cytokines and chemokines — and they warn the immune system to assign an order of diverse kinds of cells that specialize in defeating viral particles. Though, in the case of COVID-19, the virus looks better at perceiving more rooted. The infection triggers a fluid build-up in the lungs. The fluids accommodate the excess of a host of specialized cells —including T cells — that ruin many of the body's cells as well as the viral particles. It is in ejecting this fluid that a dry cough, characteristic of the coronavirus infection, begins. As more air sacs are infected, the lungs find it more challenging to perform their core function of extorting oxygen from the air, and eventually, this complicates breathlessness.


The role of the immunity system during COVID-19


The immune system exists to defend the host from harmful environmental agents, especially pathogenic organisms, which may be bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi. The immune system becomes necessary once an individual is revealed to an infectious agent. When the body struggles with foreign microorganisms, it stimulates the immune system, which provides non-specific resistance against any invading pathogen. The immune system that's resistant power is weak compared to a robust immunity system, gets easily infected and affected by the virus, and tries to respond via cytokine storm and hyperinflammation, leading to further multi-organ deterioration and even death.

Best dietary supplements


Supplement bottles


 Products that pretend to boost or strengthen the immune system typically fall into a pair of categories - vitamin formulations and probiotics.

There is some fact to the belief that vitamins can stimulate immunity. Vitamins can ease ward off disease and other health difficulties, yet only in people who are seriously malnourished, something that's not true of the standard. So, vitamin formulations do little to assist you to stay well if you are fit already.

There is some openness to the view that the bacteria and organisms living in your gut may sound a role in health when it comes to probiotics.


Plans to stay healthy


If you can't improve your immune system by using an over-the-counter potion or pill, what can you do to trim down on illness this PANDEMIC? Discrepancies among people who rarely get sick and those suffering all the time may have more to do with habits than immune function, states Steinbach. Here are some pointers that might help.


Prevention from Covid-19