What you need to know about Top Trends in Android Development
Android is one of the most widespread and widely used mobile operating systems in the world, so it’s no surprise that android application development company has become extremely popular as well, with an industry worth more than $250 billion by 2020.


Android is one of the most widespread and widely used mobile operating systems in the world, so it’s no surprise that Android App Development has become extremely popular as well, with an industry worth more than $250 billion by 2020. Over the past few years we have seen lots of new trends and technologies arise within this realm, and many of them are going to continue to grow and evolve, making way for new trends as well. Here’s a quick look at some of the hottest trends in Android App Development company right now, as well as a few that are anticipated to grow bigger in the near future.


1) Xamarin Android

Xamarin is a development platform that enables .NET developers to build native mobile apps using C#. This platform allows developers to write code once and share it between various operating systems. These apps can be built on Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android devices. In 2022, Xamarin will become an even more popular option for enterprise mobile app development. By then, enterprises will have been using it for a few years and will have plenty of success stories from which to draw data points.

 If there’s one trend that is likely to be present among all enterprise app development trends, it’s security. Every year, enterprises lose millions of dollars as a result of data breaches. This figure will continue to grow as more and more devices become connected and we move towards an Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm.


2) Kotlin

Kotlin is a new programming language that was developed by JetBrains. It was designed to improve upon Java and includes support for functional programming. The primary benefit of Kotlin over Java is its seamless interoperability with Java code and libraries, meaning developers can use Kotlin as a replacement for Java.



3) Native vs React Native

Native apps are written specifically for a certain device (Windows, iPhone, etc.), whereas React Native is one codebase that gets translated into an app for multiple devices. If your business is looking to develop one app for all devices, React Native might be worth considering. This means it’s especially valuable if your target audience uses multiple types of smartphones (Android or iPhone), or if you want your app available on both platforms.

 If your business has two apps, one for iPhone and one for Android, React Native might be a way to minimize costs. Similarly, if your target audience uses both kinds of smartphones (e.g., an app for American customers), it’s less expensive to develop one app that works on both devices rather than developing two apps specifically designed for each device type.

Results-focused business model: Keep in mind that it’s important not only what trends are happening but why they’re happening.


4) Popular Libraries for App Development

Creating an app is not enough, these days you also have to make sure it’s popular. To increase your chances of success, take a look at what libraries other developers are using and incorporate them into your apps. The use of open source libraries is becoming more and more common and developers should take advantage of these tools when they can save time and energy.

 Let’s have a look at some of these libraries that are most commonly used, see what they can do for you and how they compare with one another. One of the most popular is AppCompat, which adds support for features introduced in later versions of Android. Using AppCompat ensures your app will look great on more recent devices running Android App Development services.

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