CE test certification for hpl compact laminates
Thermoset resin impregnated paper high pressure decorative laminate is a decorative material made of surface paper impregnated with amino resin, decorative paper and base paper impregnated with phenolic resin, laminated and then heat pressed under high pressure, referred to as hpl compact laminate, which has the properties of fire resistance, moisture resistance and antibacterial, and is widely used in the furniture field.

热固性树脂浸渍纸高压装饰层压板是由面纸浸渍氨基树脂、装饰纸和原纸浸渍酚醛树脂,层压后在高压下热压而成的装饰材料,简称 hpl密实层压板,具有防火、防潮、抗菌等特性,广泛应用于家具领域。

hpl 紧凑型层压板的 CE 测试认证。

与火反应EN 13501-1
耐火极限EN 13501-2
耐水蒸气EN ISO 12572
可安装性ISO 13894-1
空气隔音EN ISO 140-3/EN ISO 717-1
粘结强度ISO 13894-1
弯曲和拉伸强度EN ISO 178
热导率/热阻EN 12524
五氯苯酚EN 14041
甲醛释放量EN 717-1
吸声系数EN ISO 354/EN ISO 11654
抗热震性EN 438-2
耐沸水EN 438-2
密度EN ISO 1183-1
耐热和耐湿EN 438-2
附着力EN 438-2
耐高温EN 438-2
防水性EN 438-2

hpl 紧凑型层压板的相关标准。

BS EN 438-3:2016 装饰用高压层压板 (HPL)。基于热固性树脂的薄片(通常称为层压板)。第 3 部分:用于粘合支撑基材的厚度小于 2 毫米的层压板的分类和规格

hpl compact laminate

BS EN 438-4:2016 High pressure laminates (HPL) for decorative purposes. Thin sheets based on thermosetting resins (commonly known as laminates). Part 4: Classification and specification of compacted laminates of 2 mm and greater than 2 mm thickness

BS EN 438-5:2016 High pressure laminates (HPL) for decorative purposes. Thin sheets based on thermosetting resins (often called laminates). Classification and specification of floor-grade laminates of less than 2 mm thickness for bonded support substrates

BS EN 438-6:2016 High pressure laminates (HPL) for decorative purposes. Sheets based on thermosetting resins. Part 6: Classification and specification of compacted laminates for exterior use equal to and greater than 2 mm thick

hpl compact laminate for building materials product testing services.

Ceramic tiles, stone, cement fiberboard, calcium silicate board, WPC flooring, synthetic panels, aluminum composite panels, raised flooring, lightweight partition boards, gypsum board, light steel keel, ceiling suspended ceilings, architectural glass, door and window hardware, SPC flooring ......

hpl panel price

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