Reflective material turns out to be so useful to do!
We often see reflective material in our lives, so what are the uses of reflective material you know?

We often see reflective material in our lives, so what are the uses of reflective material you know?

For example, public security, transportation, sanitation, department staff work uniforms, road signs, signs, marking lines, mines, railways and other field operations personnel clothing, braces. Reflective material must be used in traffic signs, signs, lines and so on.

Reflective material is applied to traffic signs, signs and lines, which greatly reduces the incidence of traffic accidents and promotes the safety and security relationship between vehicles and roads.

reflective material

The professional clothing of road traffic workers, Aviation Ground Crew, fire fighters, miners and rescuers are high-visibility warning clothing. The clothes, whether illuminated by light during the day or at night, visually highlight the wearer's presence and serve as a warning to others to avoid accidents.


In light industry, mine, railway, students clothing, all kinds of clothing, clothing, luggage and other fields. Reflective material is used in the form of stripes, characters and decorative patterns to increase the night-time visibility of the product, greatly improving the wearer's Factor of safety.

reflective material

Reflective material has also been used in some art and advertising industries to increase the aesthetic and appreciation value of art and to increase the discernible distance of advertising at night.


After you've learned about reflective material, what interesting things do you want to do with it? Recommend a site with very rich reflective material! These reflective material,,look super cool!