Energy is the power present in the human body, which he uses to conduct various types of activities in his life. Without energy, the activities of the human body come to a standstill, so in order to function properly, man definitely needs energy and he gets this power through food items. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats present in food provide energy to the body after digestion, absorption and metabolic activities in the body. Role of energy in body is very crucial. Energy is basic need of body.
Role of energy in body is very crucial.
Energy is the power present in the human body, which he uses to conduct various types of activities in his life. Without energy, the activities of the human body come to a standstill, so in order to function properly, man definitely needs energy and he gets this power through food items. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats present in food provide energy to the body after digestion, absorption and metabolic activities in the body. Roleof energy in body is very crucial. Energy is basic need of body.