Restoring a Formatted Laptop Hard Drive
If you don't know what to do, having your laptop's hard drive formatted without creating a backup of your contents might be a big pain Party Promo Services In Singapore. Fortunately, utilizing formatted hard drive recovery software, any destroyed data can be simply restored. The procedures below will show you how to recover those essential files.
1. Make certain that no additional data is saved to the hard drive.
2. To avoid data overwrite and permanent data loss, do not install any software on the partitions or drives where you lost the data.
3. Select a reliable laptop formatted disc recovery software. Search the internet for laptop drive recovery software and select one.
4. It is recommended that you purchase a trial version of software to determine whether the application can truly recover files from a broken partition and a reformatted laptop hard disc. Before you cash out, test the software.
5. Connect the Event Organizer for formatted laptop hard drives to a computer that is up and running and install the software.
6. Finally, launch the application to recover the deleted files from the hard disc of your laptop.Always take care of your files. When transferring files from one hard drive to another, take the required measures. Prevention is always preferable to cure. If you are unsure about taking these steps, please contact us using the form on the right.
How to Recover Data After Formatting the Laptop/PC
One of the reasons for EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard being so widely approved is that it is easy to use. To recover files from the formatted hard drive on your computer:
Note: To guarantee a high data recovery chance, install EaseUS data recovery software on another disk instead of the formatted disk.
Step 1. Launch EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. Choose the hard drive partition which you've accidentally formatted and click "Scan".